Huffman Smiles

24110 FM 2100 Rd, Ste 102 Huffman, TX 77336

Why Does My Ear and Jaw Hurt On The Same Side?

Have you ever had ear pain on the same side as a toothache in your lower jaw? It can be difficult to distinguish between ear and jaw discomfort on the same side when both occur on the same side. The causes and treatments for ear and jaw discomfort are discussed in this article. If you’re suffering from these issues, it would be wise to take some time out to give this blog a read. 

Ear, jaw, or oral issues may be the root of the discomfort. Jaw and ear pain on one or both sides is also possible due to transferred pain. When an injury or trauma in one area of the body causes pain to be felt in another, this is known as “referred pain.” 

Causes of ear and jaw pain

  •  Issues with teeth

Plaque buildup on teeth and gums due to improper dental care can lead to cavities, gum disease, and even an abscess if left untreated. You may get jaw and ear pain if you ignore these oral issues. 

  • Caused by oral bacteria

As was previously noted, a tooth abscess is a possible cause of ear or jaw pain. Tooth sensitivity or inflammation of the gums are other possible side effects. When tooth pain subsides, only to reappear in the jaw or ear, it’s a sign that the infection has spread. Learn about at-home remedies for that painful tooth abscess.  

  • Cavities

Tooth decay or dental cavities can cause ear, jaw, and mouth pain. The pain from aching back molars might radiate to the affected side’s ear. This is because the teeth and ears have the same nervous system.

The pain can be alleviated by getting the tooth filled, having a root canal performed, or having the tooth extracted. 

  • Impacted wisdom teeth

Sharp discomfort in the jaw and ear on the same side might also be caused by an impacted wisdom tooth wedged beneath the gum tissue. Without eruption, the wisdom tooth exerts a significant force on the surrounding teeth and gums. A dentist should extract the wisdom tooth if it doesn’t fall out independently. 

The discomfort will go away if you take the strain off your jaw and ear on the tooth side. However, there are situations when the erupting tooth presses against the surrounding tissues. The discomfort won’t go away till the tooth is out. 

How to reduce the pain?

Pain relievers can help with this intermittent discomfort. Pain in the ear or jaw can be treated at home. In the absence of an infection or serious injury, the following home treatments may help alleviate jaw or ear pain:

  • Avoid damaging your teeth by using a night guard at night.
  • Both heat and cold have healing and pain-relieving properties.
  • Relax sore, stiff muscles with a light, soothing touch.
  • Pain relief from NSAIDs is available.
  • You could try jaw exercises. Keep your lower jaw protruding for a full minute. Then, move your teeth forward and backward and from left to right in a circular motion.  
  • Care for the sick
  • Antibiotics are usually necessary if you have an infection. Additional treatments are required for serious infections. 

If you find that conventional treatments aren’t helping, try these at home first.

  • Treatments used to realign the jaw and teeth (orthodontics)
  • Surgery to alleviate TMJ discomfort
  • Treatments for cavities include fillings, root canals, and crowns.
  • Teeth-grinding-preventing mouth guard
  • If you grind your teeth at night because of stress, therapy can help.
  • Arthritis medication
  • Jaw injury rehabilitation through physical therapy 
  • High-potency pain relievers for conditions like arthritis and TMJ

How Often You Should See a Dentist?

If any of the following occur, it is recommended that you see a dentist right away:

  • Acute discomfort following injury
  • Teeth pain or swollen gums
  • symptoms that refuse to go away no matter what you try
  • No amount of antibiotics or other therapies has helped.
  • A tooth infection may be the cause of your fever and swelling.
  • An unbearable ache in the jaw or ear

Wrapping Up

It becomes important to visit the doctor when you are facing such problems. There are several potential causes for simultaneous ear and jaw pain. Despite their differences, the two sections are rather close to one another. 

Dental care

How Can I Make My Smile More Visible?

A beautiful smile can make a world of difference in your life, and it can boost your confidence, improve your self-esteem, and even help you make a great first impression. If you’re looking to make your smile more visible, you can do a few things to achieve the desired results. In this article, we’ll explore some of the most effective ways to enhance the visibility of your smile.

  1. Practice Good Oral Hygiene

Maintaining good oral hygiene is the first step to making your smile more visible. Brush your teeth twice daily and floss at least once daily to remove plaque and prevent cavities. When your teeth are healthy and clean, they’ll appear whiter, and your smile will look more radiant. Regular visits to the dentist for cleanings and check-ups can also help ensure your oral health is in top condition.

  1. Use Whitening Products

If you’re unhappy with the color of your teeth, there are a few ways to brighten them up. Over-the-counter whitening toothpaste, gels, and strips can help remove surface stains and lighten the shade of your teeth. Alternatively, you can opt for professional teeth whitening treatments at your dentist’s office for a more significant improvement in the color of your teeth.

  1. Fix Alignment Issues

Crooked or misaligned teeth can detract from the overall appearance of your smile. Consider orthodontic treatment such as braces or clear aligners if you have alignment issues. These options can help straighten your teeth and improve your bite, resulting in a more attractive smile.

  1. Address Chipped or Broken Teeth

If you have chipped or broken teeth, it can be challenging to feel confident when smiling. However, several cosmetic dental procedures can address these issues. Bonding and veneers are two popular options that can restore the appearance of chipped or broken teeth and give you a more confident smile.

  1. Consider Gum Contouring

An overly gummy smile can sometimes make your teeth appear small and unnoticeable. Gum contouring is a cosmetic procedure that can address this issue. The dentist will reshape the gum line during the treatment to create a more balanced, attractive smile.

Things to avoid for maintaining a bright and visible smile

Maintaining a bright and visible smile requires more than just good oral hygiene practices. You should avoid several things to keep your teeth looking their best. Here are some things you should pay great attention to:

  1. Avoid Staining Foods and Beverages

Certain foods and beverages can cause staining on your teeth, making your smile less visible and bright. Avoid or limit your consumption of foods such as coffee, tea, red wine, tomato sauce, and berries known to stain teeth. If you consume these foods, brush your teeth or rinse your mouth with water immediately afterward.

  1. Stop Smoking

Smoking is one of the most significant contributors to tooth discoloration and can also cause gum disease, affecting your smile’s overall appearance. If you smoke, consider quitting to improve the health and appearance of your teeth and gums.

  1. Avoid Using Your Teeth as Tools

Your teeth are not designed to be used as tools, and doing so can cause damage that affects the appearance of your smile. Avoid using your teeth to open bottles or packaging, tear tags off clothing, or do other non-eating activities.

  1. Don’t Neglect Regular Dental Check-Ups

Regular dental check-ups are essential for maintaining a healthy and visible smile. Your dentist can detect and treat any oral health issues that may affect the appearance of your teeth, such as cavities, gum disease, or cracked teeth.

Lastly, making your smile more visible requires good oral hygiene, addressing alignment and chipping issues, and using cosmetic treatments such as teeth whitening and gum contouring. By taking these steps, you can achieve a beautiful, confident smile that will make a lasting impression. Consult your dentist to determine which treatments are best for your specific needs.

Dental care

How Do I Choose The Right Floss?

Only brushing your teeth is not enough for your gums and teeth. Cleaning your teeth is essential, so flossing is the best option. Dentists recommend it at least once daily as it cleans the area between your teeth where brush bristles can hardly reach. Flossing is one of the most important steps of oral hygiene. 

When choosing the floss for your teeth, it is unnecessary to stick to only one type of teeth-cleaning thread. There is a variety of options available in the market. But with the dentist’s recommendation, you can choose your best option. Dental floss should be selected according to the type of teeth. It can also help you proper cleaning your teeth.  

Dental floss is also more effective than brushing as it offers deep and proper teeth cleaning. It is the easiest way to clean your teeth anywhere. Setting a routine for flossing is another way to have healthy gums and teeth.  

What To Look For While Choosing A Floss?

There are a variety of options that are available in the market. And you can try different types of teeth cleaning thread according to your need and preferences. Some of the common things to look for while choosing the right floss for your teeth are:

  • Thinner Floss If Teeth Are Tightly Spaced

If you have teeth that are tightly spaced, then using a single-strand could be the right choice for you. These flosses are wax coated, which helps them to reach the tight space between your teeth. 

  • Thicker Floss For Larger Gaps

Teeth with wide gaps usually need regular flossing. If it’s not enough, a thicker one could be the appropriate option. Woven floss or dental tape can work well. It’s difficult to remove plaque with the brush, especially between teeth, for that flossing works well.

  • Floss Picks

It is the easiest option compared to floss strands, which are easy to use and preferred by every age group. It does not require a lengthy cleaning process and can easily reach challenging areas between the teeth. 

  • Flavored Floss

For kids adding extra encouragement for flossing is recommended. In that case, choosing the flavored option is best for them. Various options are available in the market, making flossing fun for children and tasty. 

Types Of Dental Floss 

Various types of floss are available, and every kind of floss is designed according to the need and requirements of the people. Some of the options you can choose from are:

  • Unwaxed floss
  • Waxed floss
  • Dental tape
  • Super floss
  • Flavored floss

Why Is It Important to Floss?

To maintain oral hygiene, it is essential to floss once a day. Although, it helps in removing plaque from the area between the teeth where bristles do not reach properly. It is essential for people with braces to floss properly, as braces make it difficult to maintain oral hygiene. Some of the important reasons for flossing are:

  • Clean between the teeth
  • Remove plaque 
  • Maintain oral hygiene
  • Easy way of cleaning 

Lastly, flossing is an important step as it ensures overall mouth hygiene. By flossing, you can easily maintain the cleanliness of teeth and gums. Floss is made up of material that makes the process easy of cleaning between the teeth. They are preferred over brush because they can reach the challenging places in the mouth. However, choosing the one according to your teeth can offer numerous benefits, and the dentist can also help you select the appropriate floss offering the best result for your teeth.