Huffman Smiles


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

When is the best time to floss?

When it comes to oral hygiene, brushing and flossing come in the first place. No doubt, brushing twice a day is of utmost importance, which is why everyone does that, but what about Flossing? One needs to understand that Flossing is no additional task but complementary to brushing. For the benefits it has, dentists recommend flossing daily along with brushing.

Benefits of Flossing
Now Flossing comes under the activities done for the deep cleaning of the teeth as the purpose to floss is to remove the accumulated food particles and debris from between the teeth and gum. Unlike brushing, you can floss once a day, but it should be done thoroughly. Have a look at the benefits of Flossing:

  • Protective approach- You must be well aware of the fact that the accumulated food invites the harmful bacteria, which further leads to decay. These hidden food remains cannot be cleaned only by brushing as your brush may not reach every corner of your mouth. This is why you need to floss to prevent any buildup of bacterias.
  • Removes bad breath- The accumulated food is also a significant cause of bad breath, which is quite embarrassing. But when you floss daily, you minimize the chances of this lousy breath.
  • Complements brushing- If you only brush and don’t floss, it’s like washing something on the surface and not cleaning it inside. So, brushing and flossing work best in unison. Moreover, flossing pulls out the bacteria trapped in the tight spaces between the teeth and gums that are left after brushing.
  • Keep away gum diseases- The fact this accumulation of food, plaque formation if not stopped, gradually leads to causing the severe gum diseases, that can leave you lots of pain and disgust. Flossing helps you avoid it by deterring the growth of bacterias at the root level.

The right time to floss
Now, many people are confused about the right time to floss, which hinders them from gaining the desired results. For this, several people might tell you that the flossing time depends on your convenience, which is why you can floss at any time of the day, provided you do it appropriately. Here you need to understand that if you floss before brushing your teeth, you can easily remove the loose debris with the brush. Whereas when you do it in reverse order, prior brushing will lose the plaque, which eases the flossing process. Note that unlike brushing, you need to floss only once a day.

Flossing thoroughly requires you to adhere to a few instructions like using a new strand for every tooth, perform the floss correctly, neither too hard nor too loose, and so on. Observe your procedure keenly and assess it yourself by looking at the mirror. It will assist you in examining the method you are doing and improve on it.

So, the right time to floss is the time when you can do it thoroughly and correctly. Whichever time you choose, make sure you make the best of it.

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